Thursday, February 28, 2013

Baltimore Bound

I know it seem so all of the sudden, I know! Rob and I started talking the other day about going back to Baltimore, back to our roots and all of that and so we are. It's not as simple as that, I know...but that's why Rob's been working at the strip  club under the door, making twice the amount, so we can afford to go over there. I miss it there so much! We are planning on leaving tomorrow morning actually, we bought plane tickets this morning. We are arriving at BWI airport tomorrow afternoon/evening.

It's so cold there, it'll be such a refreshing reminder! I guess that's one way to put it. It's just that I've gone through so much, both alone and with others, on the West coast and I really miss it back East, and I knew that I would return to Baltimore one day. There's no reason for me to go anywhere else on the east coast other than Maryland.

I'll let you all know how the flight went and how everything goes once we are settled over there. Man, I'm really gonna miss Dre more when I'm over there than now-well, than I have been really. Being in those areas again are surely gonna bring up some shit, but I'm ready. I wanted to make sure that I was really ready before I did it, I made the trip.
There are some people there that I know still-like Dre's friend, Darrell. I remember the first and the last time I went to buy heroin with him. He's a big crack addict, he doesn't care for heroin but---man I just get so excited and giddy thinking about it!

So, that's the news, there ya go. This wasn't an out of the blue thought, trust me. This was well planned out. Well, we don't have to plan out much. Just how to afford the plane ticket and whom to stay with once we got over there but I mean the choice was simple, very simple. I've been all up and down on the west coast here. Seattle, LA, Hollywood, Palm Springs, etc...I'm ready...I'm ready. It's something I have to do. I know Rob really wants to go, I know he's been expressing he has been wanting to go for a while now, so it's time. This is the perfect time, perfect time for a good change. A change of scenery is not a bad idea! Especially when the scenery is Baltimore= heroin capital of the U.S. Oh, yea! I'm gonna go watch reruns of The Wire hahaha
BALTIMORE, here I/ We Come!!!!

Big Surprise!! Big Changes!!

Rob's roots started out in Baltimore. Mine did as well. So, actually, this is something I've been wanting to share with my blog readers for a few days now. I don't know why I hesitated to post anything earlier but there is a specific reasons why I changed the background and blog colors to the well known Baltimore colors of orange, black, and purple---me and Rob have been talking, and I've been having a lot of adventures for months now but I'm well, me and Rob, are about to have another adventure, of course, heroin related......
Me and Rob are.......moving to Baltimore! back to Balitmore rather. YAY!!! It's hard to say, I'm so happy, so excited!! I know it'll feel like home again. It'll be exciting to see those old people around there again, assuming they'll still be there. Ah, the Inner Harbor, Johns Hopkins hospital, the Block, the Old Town Mall, York Road, Greenmount Avenue, etc...It'll all be there, it's still there! Still on that roller coaster! Can't wait!

Today on- That Guy's On Heroin!

Occasionally I post a current photo/post on here from my favorvite Bmore/related site,
Today's -well, the more recent postings from that site are below!
Location: Light Street and Key Highway, Baltimore, MD
Rating: 3.5/5
Description: Two weeks ago this guy was finishing his cardiovascular surgery residency at Johns Hopkins when he decided to take the bus to work. That’s when Fanta convinced him he was taking his life entirely too seriously and in an attempt to lighten his approach on things he decided that recreational drug use was the right option.
Two weeks later he has yet to move from that bus stop, slipping in and out of an H soaked slumber. Yet another bright, gifted young man who traded a life of personal and financial success for the empty promises of a Fanta ad. More Fanta less serious indeed.
Location: Fells Point, Baltimore, MD
Rating: 2.8/5
Description: Oh no! Judging from his haircut this man must have been ejected from a flaming Nascar just slightly out of scene! This is a tragedy for Baltimore media - less people with mullets mean that there are less people to post blatantly racist comments on basically every Baltimore Sun online article, therefore giving people everywhere one less way to find out that minorities are ruining modern society when checking the weather.
While this is a sad day for Baltimore, I don’t like to focus only on the negative. That is a pretty sweet half-nelson this guy landed in. I feel if he could feel pain at that moment he’d really appreciate it more.
Location: Mt Washington Light Rail Stop, Baltimore, MD
Rating: 4.3/5
Description: This submission came complete with one of the most interesting back stories I’ve received to date, and not just because every word in the caption was capitalized:
So This Gem Was Waiting Next To Me At The Mt. Washington Lightrail Station This Afternoon, Around 3:30PM.  When I First Arrived, He Was Standing Upright, His Reading Material Held High To The Sky…Honestly, Made Me Wonder If He Just Needed Some More Reading Light Or Something.  A Minute Later, I Turned Around From Grabbing My Lightrail Ticket And Aforementioned Reading Material Was In The Process Of Falling To The Ground, Where He Steadily Continued To Lean Over Into An Almost Complete Toe Touch To Continue Reading This Gripping Article.  Yes, Points May Be Taken Away Due To His Needing To Lean Against The Lightrail Shelter To Stay Upright, But Let Us Remember, Baltimore Is “The City That Reads,” So At Least He Is Representing. 
I did take off one full point for the lean against the post, but he did earn some points back for gaining my utmost respect. While getting blasted at a transit stop is par for the course on this site, getting blasted at a transit stop and using your seven minutes of heaven to read up on the news is just straight class.
This guy is so desensitized to H that he’s actually BORED of being high and reading a magazine like he’s waiting for this to just be over so he can go out and score some real drugs for the night. He’s probably not even bending over because he’s high, he probably just throws his back out all the time from having to lug around those gigantic, drug-metabolizing balls.
Location: Charles Street and Lafayette Ave, Baltimore, MD
Rating: 2.2/5
Description: This is just sad. I mean think about how that kid is going to turn out, their mom is a total little bitch that can’t handle her smack. All it’s friends moms are rocking their belly bump to sleep as a counterbalance to a bad-ass junkie sway and here this kid is, stuck with it’s one-shot-before-bed, bitch-ass mom.
With any help Baltimore City social services will step in and do what they do best in these situations, place the kid in a group home where the kid will DEFINITELY learn how to shoot their smack the right way!

So much easier

dealing with a lot now. so much as changed since I returned to LA and yet so much has gotten easier. Well, how can that be you ask? well, I'm still living at Rob's apartment, he still works at the club and I am on another job hunt, as always, which only means one thing, just another way, any way, to get money for heroin, of course. Well I know it should mean more than that but I know that I should get a job so...yea.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stronger than yesterday

I feel so much stronger since I returned to LA and left Palm Springs. I feel like a whole new, better person, even though of course I'm still talking and hanging out with Rob and still doing heroin, I still feel better. Rob got a new apartment on 7046 Hollywood Boulevard and I actually just moved into his place-it's a small, 2 bedroom place. It's something, and it works for us.

New Place-same life=only freer

I just moved in with Rob a few days ago. He rented a cheap apartment on W Hollywood Blvd and he just started working as a doorman weeknights at the Seventh Veil strip club on W Sunset Blvd so if you want to stop by and say hi to him, go ahead! I decided not to follow suit and work as a stripper again and I actually just started working at a diner as a waitress part time-just to help pay for my heroin and help pay his rent.

My family still doesn't know I'm back in LA. but that's okay because all I am happy about is that I'm not in shitty Palm Springs anymore and no longer around that nightmare creep of a guy, James. That's all I wanted! I will call them-at least I have a more respectful job now as a waitress and I'm not working as a stripper anymore. That's a plus! But I know they want me to fully get off heroin and live with them but I just cannot do that = especially since I am with Rob at his new apartment. The apartment is a piece of shit dump but I really am doing well and I'm happy.

New on, That Guy's On Heroin!
Location: Shot Tower Metro Station, President Street, Baltimore, MD
Rating: 4.1/5
Description: I like this submission, and not just because it explains where my bike went. I live in Baltimore I assume anything metal I leave outside will be zombie walked across town to scrap it for blast money. The great irony is that lugging a bike that distance doing the junkie shuffle actually pays less than a minimum wage job if you take all the naps into account.
This submission came with the following caption:
The bicycle is just leaning against him, he’s not using it to hold himself up in any way.  Made it through a whole traffic light cycle and he still hadn’t moved before we left.
I believe you on this one, and even added a tenth of a point for this guy having the balls to think he can ride a bike when most other people would be taken to the hospital. Of course, this is Baltimore, we aren’t most other people we pride ourselves on doing all kinds of crazy shit on smack, like biking, working, voting or running for and winning the 9th city council district.

Monday, February 11, 2013

A lot going on!

whew! everything is so fast paced! I'm back in the LA area and loving it. My family actually doesn't know I'm back but-thats just not ready to see them yet. I went to visit Rob...we actually drove to Dre's grave yesterday. That was big for me.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fighting to stay alive

This is almost too much for me. I'm seriously fighting to stay alive. Fighting for my life. Things didn't go as planned, let's just say that.....
James found out through the grapevine about me thinking about moving back to LA and he didn't take it too well. He begged for me to stay-I truly got a chance to see what a loser he is-and how he'll go to any length to get what he wants and keep me right where he wants me-in his own prison of porn......sick ...truly, this is sick-why did I run away??? Why did I leave my family?? I had it so good, too good. That was the problem! Well, no matter what I am getting out of here and going back home!! When words wouldn't work, James ended up grabbing my arm, bruising it when  I tried to walk away. Nothing is good enough for him. I'm stranded on this island with absolutely no help, no support what now? I still have the plane ticket-I bought that yesterday......I'm keeping it in a safe spot where he can't find it. I'm sure you're wondering, why did I tell one someone of my plans to leave the area if I don't want anyone to try and stop me? Well, that's where my naive nature comes in; I was dumb, I told...I guess I wanted someone to know. I should know not to trust these women by now. Hello, I know they work closely with James to try and make sure I don't leave....I know what's going on now...they are trying to keep me here..James is so damn intent on trying to keep me for his work because his other girls are getting too old-by porn standards- and here I am ,fresh meat-let's just say this honestly, I know that's how they think.......

Monday, February 4, 2013

LA Woman

I am returning to the LA area in about 3 days! I ended up getting paid for the photos and movie I did so that was just enough to buy a one way plane ticket to LA. I'm not telling the guys I live with or James or anybody. I can't risk getting stuck here in Palm Springs and losing the opportunity that I have worked so hard, too hard to get going with.
I have been here for way too long. It's been what......a month, more than a month. I'm ready to go. I think about the people I knew there and what's going on. Probably nothing different is happening but I know it's where I belong and I miss it there. I really do. So, once I realized that I had enough money-James paid me the other day for all the work I did- I knew that I had to take the chance and get the hell out of here.