Friday, August 10, 2012

My Current H related Health Issues

I get a lot of chest/heart pains. I know when I used to use the needle, I didn't always clean it and I did share a needle with Rob once- so I wondered what issues I could get from that. I know that from shooting, you can get something called Bacterial Endocarditis. That's what Demri Parrot, Layne Staley's girlfriend at the time died from back in 1996. I know it harms the liver too-so do pills and alcohol. I get a lot of bruising on my skin-not from alcohol but only when I use H. The bruising isn't from picking at my skin-I don't do that at all >I know some users pick at their face and shit-I never did that. What's the point of that anyway?  I just bump into something and I bruise easily. I know that is from liver related issues.So, I'm conscious of all of these changes yet I don't change..........