Monday, January 21, 2013

Blog Becoming a Book-Idea 2

Remember a while back I was contemplating some ideas of how to turn my blog into a book, a memoir of sorts? Well, I came across this blog written by blog guru Mari Smith, "

["Own Your Niche by Becoming An Author — How To Blog A Book"

  If you are like most business people, your blog serves as the cornerstone of your social media activities. Not only can you repurpose your old blog posts into a book, or “book your blog,” you can create a content plan and actually “blog a book,” a much more effective plan and use of your time. When you are done, you will have something else to sell to your loyal fan base and one more way to prove your expertise.

Blogging a book is easy to do. Simply choose a topic to blog about that supports your business or that your fans ask you about often, create a content plan, and break that content plan into chapters. Then chunk down the chapters into blog-post-sized bits—250-500-word pieces. Write these post-sized bits in a word processing document first, and then copy and paste them into your blogging program 2-7 times per week and publish them. In this way you create a manuscript as 
you publish the blog posts. You can later edit and revise this manuscript before you actually turn it into a published book.]

**So, my idea is this-if there are any  publishers/editors out there that have been following my blog, and would be interested in setting up a book deal paralleling my blog, contact me, let me know! Send me a message through my email, and I'll get back to you!**

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