Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dream Job!

Wow, everything has completely turned around for me!! I ended up flying back to LA using the plane ticket my mom bought for me. I just got in this morning. Yesterday, since I knew I would be coming back to LA, I applied for a job as a club promoted in Hollywood and I got the job! It's a regular dance club, not a strip club. I'm totally finished with those places. So I start tonight!  I'm glad I came back to LA because I was feeling really suicidal, unhappy, depressed and so sick of this drug life. That's why I wanted to come back to live with my parents for a little while, attend some meetings, get around positive people and get a job. Well, I did it, thank God!


  1. So happy to hear you are close to family again and taking positive steps for your sobriety and your future! Hope the new job is everything you want/need it to be.
