Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Other Blogs that 'That Guy's On Heroin' Recommends

Recommended Reading

These blogs get the “That Guy’s On Heroin” seal of approval. I’m sure after a lot of deep thought and soul searching they can find out where they went wrong…
Charm City Vacancy
Fells Point HonThe City that Breeds
Least Helpful
What Does Lindsay Lohan Do All Day

New from That Guy's On Heroin!

Location: Hampden and 29th St., Baltimore, MD
Rating: Honorable Mention
Description: Sure, Baltimore’s nursing homes aren’t as cushy as those in “functional” cities in America, but our seniors are too fuckin’ hardcore for bingo and Jello cups.
Location: Pacific Beach, San Diego, California
Rating: 3.1/5
Description: This comes all the way from the west coast where my readers tell the heroin isn’t worth a damn. After learning about their plight I automatically give all west coast submissions a few extra points because getting blasted on weak-junk takes extra dedication. In Baltimore I can slip in Leakin park and be smacked up for days on all the loose syringes, but in the west coast I guess it would like trying to smashed off near-beer.
Well, this guy did it… and after all that work he didn’t get the recognition I feel he deserved. The submitter sent the following caption explaining the hard times of our try-hard friend:
He is legit passed out on a railing…he was also arrested an hour later. damn heroin..
Fucking southern California, what’s wrong with doping yourself to near extinction and taking a power nap across a handrail on a beautiful day? I bet he wasn’t arrested by the cops but by the home owners association for lowering their property value.
Location: Baltimore, MD
Rating: 3.9/5
Description: This gem came with the following awesome caption:

Was juuuust about to drive home but decided to have a snack first.
Took off some points for the lean against the car, but gave some back for doing it like a pimp. This lean is hardcore, most other cities would do serious snoozing like this horizontal, but Baltimore don’t roll like that and this guy is showcasing our talent nicely.

Two Steps forward, three steps back

So as of last week I quit using heroin. So I guess you could say that I'm about 7 or so days sober. I'm glad about it, it was my choice. It was a choice I pondered over for the last month honestly. There aren't really any pros to staying on it, and I knew I had to get out of the lifestyle and out of the environment for good...only issue is that Rob is not interested in quitting for himself. I should know this by now-that you cannot make another addict quit if they don't want to on their own. Obviously I know this because my family and friends have been wanting me to quit for a long time and the choice had to be mine in the end. I don't know if or when I'll go back. All I know is that I'm happy quitting today. I brought the idea to Rob of quitting and I'm not gonna force anything. He knows his life isn't going anywhere...and he knows the consequences and issues related so I can't do anything about it.
I've been looking back at all I've been through, the places I've been, what's been going on.....it's just not a pretty sight. It's super easy to go back..and I know that Rob won't mind giving me a couple-but not entirely for free. With him, I always have to pay in one way, shape, or form-sex, money, stealing, etc...whatever it is, if he gives me one, I have to do something in return. Just like if I get him to buy it for me, he gets one for free just for going out and getting it...that's the rules of the street, plain and simple. Why do I  bother staying with him anyway? Oh, I don't even want to get into that one-well, look, with quitting, if I really stay out of this for good, I have to leave Baltimore, which I really don't want to do. I guess everything will be figured out in the end.
Tons of issues are going on with Darrel and the girls he's around. Things are happening with Rob and the messes he is getting himself into. I don't need or want to be a part of that.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Addict Drama

So Rob is pissed at one of his friends, that guy Jeff. Turns out that Jeff bought $500.00 worth of crack from Darrell and shacked up for 2 days with this stripper Tanya, Darrel's "fuck buddy"-Jeff was with this Tanya woman, locked up in a motel for these two days with the $500.00 worth of crack-and then the kicker and the reason that Darrell is mad at Jeff is because Jeff blamed Darrell, trying to make it look like Darrell was forcing him to buy that much crack.....bullshit! That was Jeff's choice to blow all that money on crack and go be with that woman-if anything, Darrell was trying to stop Jeff from buying that much crack at once! So, Jeff's an idiot...and Rob's pissed...so am I!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Going Well

Nothing new to report. I just got back from near N Baltimore with Rob for our usual pick up. We have a new routine with this new dealer now. We met this new guy, Dave, at one of the club on The Block, as people around here know the area as. We have this new system now. Dave works as a door man for on of the strip clubs but he lives north, and sells out of his house. We go up there, if he isn't working, and he already has something ready. He never seems to come up short. Rob knew him a while back when he used to be a doorman for one of the clubs. So, it's a lot easier than waiting around in parking lots, calling whomever seems ready and available. Saves a couple of hours honestly.

Monday, April 1, 2013

My blog causes my arrest!

I was with Rob up in our usual buying spot this weekend and guess what happens? This guys comes up to me and asks if I am the one that writes the Scarlett blog-uh yea......oops..pop! The cops come zooming around the corner coming from the Johns Hopkins area. so, yea, I was pretty pissed off needless to say. The cops took me to the station, Rob ended up running the other way that idiot......The cops questioned me and my blog here-shit, what was I gonna say? It's fiction...well, it's not. It's the old me, no I'm still doing it, clearly. It's some other girl, um, I just admitted that this is my blog to an undercover cop......shit, I'm caught. So yea, that was my weekend kiddies. They let me out a few hours later since I didn't have any heroin on me, thankfully!
APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha