Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Welcome To My Nightmare-original repost from June 27, 2012

*[Wednesday, June 27, 2012]*

--Welcome to my nightmare. --

*My name is Scarlett and I'm a heroin addict. I have been keeping a diary in so far, 4, spiral notebooks since I entered rehab and I have decided to transfer them to my blog online here.
I've been an alcoholic for about 14 years, pills for about 12 years and I have been, regretfully, a heroin addict for the past 8 months, a year coming this late August/September.
What a hellish journey it has been. Actually, within about 3 months of using things were already steadily falling apart.
I started using for typical reasons. Heroin truly has this glamorization attached to it. I became mentally obsessed and addicted to H years before I ever touched it. I didn't even really know much about it, all I knew was that I wanted it.
So follow me, if you dare, as I let you into my life, my obsession, and my hell. Buckle up! It sure as hell is a bumpy ride!
What made you want to read my blog in the first place? Are you a fellow addict? Then you must understand how I feel. If you are a parent of an addict, I am giving  you a possible glimpse of what your child is up to and what they may be dealing with.*

I always like going back in time, so to speak, and posting my old blog entries from when I started this blog and when I started using heroin. A lot has changed and nothing has changed at the same time. Same addict, same issues, same curiosity, same anger, same life. But at the same time somehow I am not sure if I am in a better place there where I was, where I came from, or is this is it, this is worse? It's sad when you can't tell the difference, everything is equally grim and equally hopeless. So why would I quit? It wasn't great to begin with.

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