Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Who else will help me?

I spent a while walking back and forth passing Dre's house. The police are still there. Who else will help me? Dre was, I thought, a good man. He really did want me to get off heroin and have a better life even though I didn't care to listen. Rob certainly doesn't care if I quit or not. I can't even find him some days. but Dre, he.he did care, i know it. He would give me his NA book, let me stay at his house, but I do know that he would always glady take whatever money I could give him for whatever he was selling..,.I feel so empty now. Everybody is a stranger to me. I feel sorry for Dre's son. He's around my age, a Marine. I can't believe that his son never knew about his drug selling. Well he knows now. I felt sorry for Dre too. The only reason he went to that is because his dad died a few months ago and all of the sudden he had bills and shit. I really saw him as a father figure. Now I'm alone again on this cold street. I have no one seriously real to turn to, other than my own family, but I cannot face them now. I really just can't go home.


  1. Hi Scarlett, I'm catching up with your posts, gradually. I wish I was closer and could be a friend to you, someone who you could turn to. I don't have any answers; I was at an N/A meet yesterday, and now I'm just melting a bag onto the foil . . . So I really don't know how one breaks free . . .
    But, I'm here if ever you want to write or "chat" on Blog or Email. I'm thinking about you and hope and pray that something good comes your way today. Sorry to hear about Dre. He sounds like my Ex (doing 5 yrs for dealing) he cared too, He would also give me 5 bags A Day . . . but he cared in his own way, he still does. we 've got a child together.
    Anyway, I'll be back later tonight to read some more of your posts.Sending you love and caring thoughts, take care chic x x x

    1. Thank you so much for your support. It means the world to me!
