I was looking around different Blogger addict related pages and stumbled upon Heroin Anonymous. Wouldn't it be GREAT if there was such a thing as this near me, instead of AA or NA? I have been to a dozen AA meetings and only 1 or 2 NA meetings but I would totally got to HA. Do they even have an HA meeting near me?! I just don't like AA because they don't understand. Alcohol is one thing. Heroin truly is a whole separate beast. Heroin truly changed me forever. Heroin truly ruined me forever. I can only and only want to relate to heroin addicts, past and present. Maybe NA would work or even Chemically Dependent Anonymous but honestly, if there was an HA meeting I would go! As soon as I read this, on HA's main page, I KNEW I had to learn more.
On HA's main page, it says-"No more stealing to cop
dope. No more lying to maintain our habit. Being dope sick is a thing of the
past. Worrying about our next fix is no longer a problem. Having to get
straight in order to function does not exist for us. We have found a way to
live that is free from heroin addiction."
How true is that?! Stealing, lying, withdrawal, coping, etc......that is totally my heroin life right there. So, that's why I don't care for AA or even NA. I need to find HA!
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